[7.3/10] The main story, with Michael awkwardly trying to let his parents hook up, is a winner. This is an episode where the writing for and performance of Ron Howard as the narrator is great at mining the comedy in the differences between the gentleness of the narration and the crudeness of what’s happening on screen. Jessica Walter and Jeffrey Tambor are each great in this one, and great together, and the way it all comes together with GOB being karmically punished by having to watch his parents do it is very funny.

I was less enthused by the Kitty Sanchez material, mostly because it’s a little mean-spirited and doesn't go anywhere but the same joke over and over, but I do like GOB and Michael negotiating over a touch lamp.

I’m also not a big fan of the “Lindsey and Tobias go to counseling” bit. The gags aren’t great, and there’s not enough for the great Bob Odenkirk to do, wasting this brief Mr. Show reunion.

That said, I did really enjoy George Michael and Lindsey’s part of the episode, with both characters pretending to be brave and not care only to realize they’re very much afraid. The Wizard of Oz/Oz confusion with George Michael had me in stitches. Plus the closer, with Michael having a faux-touching moment where he reassures his son that his grandfather is guilty as hell, is a great cynical comedy twist.

Overall, some weak spots in this one, but the strong material outweighs them.

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