Review by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff

Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018

I have to admit, I was unsure about this film before going in. Why? Director Ron Howard. While he's the director of some near classics, Rush and Parenthood, he's also the bland and workmanlike director of the crap that is the Da Vinci Code borefest. So was he the man for a Star Wars movie? To be honest, it wasn't as boring as I expected (sorry Ron), but it did little to stand out either. It ticked all the boxes we expect from the story - Han meets Chewie; Han does the Kessel Run; Han wins the Falcon - and while fun, it was a tad predictable. However, Alden did a great job as Han, and Donald Glover absolutely nailed the part of Lando. The action was good, though there was sometimes too much of it, and I wished it would slow down a little to delve further into Han's backstory. I was tired while watching the film, so my overall opinion may change, and admittedly, I would like to see more of Han Junior in future films, not that this is likely to happen.

Oh, and I was split down the middle about the return of a classic Star Wars character, though it did add some intrigue within the overall Star Wars universe.

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