Last week's episode fucked me up so hard. This one did too, although in a slightly different way.

First of all, a little piece of advice to Serena and Aunt Lydia: if you care about this pregnancy so badly and want June to carry to term, then maybe it's not the greatest idea to try to strangle her or show her the body of the guy who helped her and force her to admit that it's her fault. Just a thought.

There is a weird amount of sexual energy between Serena and June. Every time Serena confronts June, it's like she's 2 seconds away from hate fucking her against a wall. I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's genuinely the vibe that she gives off.

Speaking of Serena, this is a character that I literally think about all the time. I read an interview with Yvonne Strahovski once where she really nailed this on the head: Serena is an incredibly intelligent, presumably well-educated woman who had a successful career before Gilead. And now she's trapped in a world - a world she helped create - where she can't work, can't read, can't be in charge of anything and her opinion on most things doesn't matter. She's like a caged animal with nothing stimulating to do all day. To her, this baby will be an escape from her terribly boring reality. I'm sure she wants to be a mother, but I think a part of her also craves something to occupy her mind and that's what motherhood will provide her with.

(Sidenote: all the horrible religious bullshit and ritualistic raping aside, I'd rather drown myself than live in a world where your only entertainment is sitting around all day and knitting. I would die so fucking fast in Gilead, you have no idea.)

And no, that ending didn't give me anxiety at all, why do you ask?

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@aniela-krajewska omg i totally agree about serena and june! if i were them i'd definitely let out some of that tension by going at each other in a different way ;)

@robinscherbatsky Right??? I'm so glad I'm not the only one that sees this.
