+India World intro
+Dolores does something that is actually interesting and not just "GIVE ME VENGEANCE!"
+The material with Dolores' "father" was really good
+Maeve and her crew seem to be actually getting somewhere plus the Snake Girl is back, which I love

*Bernard plot was next to nothing
*the twist in the battle was great but the way the humans fought it was extremely stupid

-Teddy's a dumbass who is okay with killing people who only did bad because they thought it would be erased within hours but not okay with killing robots who are programmed to be rotten to the core.
-No Man in Black

Pretty great episode. It did a lot to put my fears about Dolores becoming a monotonous bore fest to rest. I actually really like the idea of the human escaping from India world wandering into something she had no idea was even connected and having to deal with this complete shit show with no context at all.

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