Superb ending to a wonderful season of a surprisingly good new show! These 10 episodes surely managed to keep us on our toes in a handful of occasions, coming to a thrilling and tense conclusion.

Both Howards are slowly and steadily becoming each other. Our Howard realises he's turning into Howard Prime and does not want that to happen, but for how long will he resist the (probable) inevitable outcome? Meanwhile, a spark seems to ignite within Howard Prime's heart and he's starting to show his unexpected humanity. The switching of the Howards' personalities does mess around with our brains and I cannot imagine how will they pursue things from now on (assuming this show has been renewed, I have no idea as of right now). Things aren't looking particularly good for our Howard...

Howard Prime working together with Baldwin (I think we already know her real name, but I forgot about it, so I just keep calling her "Baldwin", if only because I really like Alec Baldwin, but I digress) was one for my favourite moments of this episode. They were both in fatal danger, so why not help each other out of that sticky situation? I feel that the pairing of the two worked very nicely, they seem to share a similar charisma and attitude. Too bad the collaboration probably stopped there.

Quayle (apparently) accepting his personal life as it is and not fighting it anymore seemed odd to me. It's already been established that his wife is very deceptive and manipulative, so I'm guessing he left the fragility of his current emotional state take the best of him. But I'm guessing we'll be seeing more of him, his wife and Howard Prime together in the next season (again, assuming it has been renewed).

Something that I found particularly interesting after this season finale is that we're left unsure as to whom are now the good guys and who are the bad guys. The increasing ambiguity of the doppelgängers allows for the show runners to leave us guessing that and I find it very captivating. I truly hope they'll share more of the fascinating world of Counterpart with us.

Until next time!

EDIT: of course, I just had to quickly Google it and it seems that the production for the second season of Counterpart is already underway. Excellent news, I'm ecstatic!

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Quayle (apparently) accepting his personal life as it is and not fighting it anymore seemed odd to me. It's already been established that his wife is very deceptive and manipulative, so I'm guessing he left the fragility of his current emotional state take the best of him.

Yeah, Peter's definitely in one very messed up state, desperately clinging onto whatever will help him believe that his last five years, his marriage, his job, his life, isn't all just one evaporating illusion, almost like a sort of junkie whose reluctance to do certain things is crumbling against the threat of losing his life "high".

Kinda funny, now that I think of it, that, while OurHoward seemed so much meeker than did Director Peter Quayle at the start, as it turns out, OurHoward has adapted so much more readily to the mad storm of counterpart curveballs than has Peter.
