Review by Galileo5

Ready Player One 2018

Reviewing Ready Player One is rather easy. If you have grown up with 70/80s video games, movies and music you will love it. If you don’t know you this era very very well you will likely not even notice how good the movie is and will find it mediocre or as millennials say „meh“. The movie is not just about an easteregg hunt, RPO is itself one giant easteregg. Now the whole thing about eastereggs is that you must know they exist in order to find them. If you don‘t know (or care) what the original Batmobile, A-Team van or Akira bike looked like you will not even see them. And there are literally a thousand of those hidden references and cameos packed into RPO. As for gender gap I won‘t deny that there are women who know about all this stuff but they are in the minority. Especially for the video game part which coincidentally makes the biggest part of the movie. I would give this 5 out of 5 stars if not for two things. I thought the third key puzzle was rather weak compared to the first two (especially the second one). And secondly I could have done with out the “morale” at the end about enjoying real life rather than virtuality. That was a bit on the nose and unnecessary.

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Reply by Deleted

@galileo5 very well said. you nailed it.
