Review by Andrew Bloom

Community: Season 1

1x08 Home Economics

[7.3/10] Not a bad episode by any stretch. The main story is solid, with Jeff veering between being unable to let go of his old, opulent life, and then stagnating in an unambitious life watching TV and eating cereal with Abed. Britta helping him find a happy medium is a good direction to go (though again, the will they/won’t they stuff is pretty tedious), and I especially like the character development of Abed, where he asks Britta (granted, in a pretty sexist manner) to help Jeff out of this funk, because even though it’s good for Abed, he knows it’s bad for Jeff and wants the best for his friend.

Similarly to the efforts at Jeff/Britta romantic tension in Season 1, Annie’s crush on Troy is one of those elements of the show in its early run that never landed for me. Seeing Annie friendzoned like that is a little sad, and it’s heartening when she stands up for herself (albeit in a more reserved way than Shirley might recommend), but the whole thing is pretty sitcomm-y and doesn’t have many laughs.

The C-story is mostly fluff, but entertaining fluff! Vaughn’s songs about Britta and Pierce are amusingly bad lyrically (and surprisingly catchy), and I like Pierce (belatedly) standing up for Britta and taking Vaughn’s ire onto himself.

Overall, a solid, lower-key episode.

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