[7.6/10] I hadn’t seen Dead Poet Society in full the first couple of times I saw this episode, which added a new layer of appreciation to this one (especially when Jeff yells “this is no way to teach accounting!”) John Michael Higgins doing his best Robin Williams riff, while Jeff struggles at the ultimate blow-off class was largely a hoot, even if the ending veers into some corny will they/won’t they territory that often makes me roll my eyes in the show’s first season.

The only issue is that it doesn’t cross-pollinate well with the episode’s other major story, where Britta pays for Abed’s film class against Abed’s dad’s wishes. The tack of making Jeff and Britta Abed’s surrogate parents runs out of gas a little too soon, but I really like where the story goes. Abed subtly tormenting his friends who are trying to help him because of a single-minded focus on his creative project has seeds of things to come. His film conveying his insecurity about maybe having broken up his parents’ marriage is actually pretty sad and touching in its way. And the way Mr. Nadir turns around after realizing that film helps Abed, who has trouble communicating, to express himself, is really well done.

The C-story sees Pierce coaching Troy up on how to sneeze like a man, and it’s pretty forgettable and light on laughs, but also so brief as to be inoffensive.

Overall, a funny episode that give us a lot of good Abed character development.

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