Shout by Deleted

Finding Nemo 2003


Shout by Deleted

Don't be misled by the film being an animation, this is not a feel good cartoon for kids. The 'adventure' is harrowing and sadistic. To me, it is more scary than any film in the 'Scary Movie' franchise. I kept waiting for the end for a true, sweet moment; there is none. So dark is the film's mentality. I don't see a good joke except for the 'whale song'. Graphically the artwork is fine, but it does not match the dark, sick momentum imprinted by the tone of the whole movie. I would not let a kid see it. I would only tell the story outline and give him or her color printouts of Nemo, Dory and maybe Nemo's dad, if the kid really wants them. I haven't seen 'Finding Dory' yet. Don't know what kind of nightmare has been prepared for kids in that sequel.

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