Review by Deleted

Black Panther 2018


Review by Deleted

First of all, I loved Black Panther so much. I'm sure you've heard many times so far how extraordinary it was for a Marvel movie, I don't want to tell you one more time. I just tell you what my perceptions were in good and in bad ways as well.

Wakanda is an imaginary country. Firstly, because this place obviously doesn’t exist. Secondly, because it's a unique way how African-Americans think about Africa nowadays. I mean under that they still have bad feelings and fear about how the colonists have exploited them for their rich natural sources and have divided the continent many dependencies. So the reason why they want to stay isolated for everything and everyone is totally acceptable. They own a high technology now which is wanted to keep for themselves. All in all, they absolutely don't want become victims again.

We can agree Killmonger was the best Marvel villain or at least he's in the top 3. He has a rightful reason behind his motives, and what he wants to accomplish. His hatred toward the people of Wakanda is well-established, because the former Black Panther basically made him orphan, and abandoned him, which clearly caused him serious trauma. Then, he's kept his whole life in wars, which made his judgment worse.

Also absolutely amazing they've kept their ancient rituals besides their technological development, which had some issues in my opinion. On the one hand, because it seemed so stereotypical but that wasn't the main reason. The rules of these rituals weren't crystal clear to me. How the descendent of the king is succeeded on the throne. At first blink I thought the king's first born son is the one, who follows him on the throne that's why T'Chala's came back to Wakanda. Then, pursuant to a ritual, he had to conquer of his challengers. Wasn't clear to me there is some law for dealing with these kind of questions. These two ideas are just in collusion.
However, this didn't ruin the experience.

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