Shout by Toliman

The Daily Show 1996

I used to watch this quasi religiously, but Trevor Noah is the Anti-Stewart.
Post-John Stewart, really needs a new category and deserves a 2/10 rating, it routinely hits the shallow end or just deceives people in an attempt at humor.

I sometimes come across clips of Noah's standup or the monologues / interviews on Youtube, but it is shallow, and Trevor & Team irritates and condescends. Have I changed so much in ~5 years, or has the show changed into a desperate and clinging example of failure.


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@Toliman thank you! I adored/adore JS and stopped watching when he left (I was in mourning)! I agonised over whether or not to give TN a chance, but you’ve helped me decide my instincts were right. I want to remember the original show the way it was.
P.S. Have you seen The Problem with John Stewart? It’s brilliant. Just launched this year (2022).
