This episode is my favorite by far. Finally, I have found a truly great episode of Doctor Who. It disappoints me that it took this long, but I am so happy I was able to feel emotion, an insurmountable amount of laughter, and pure enjoyment. The fact that Rose Tyler affects the whole space time continuum when she saves her Dad was incredibly believable and I loved the interaction between her and the dad the entire time. I loved how Rose sees that the stories about her Dad and Mom's relationship were actually false; they were not in a happy relationship, but they had a deep and struggling relationship. Rose was in the midst of it, and I found it all to be extremely powerful. It was also extremely comical when Rose's mom thought that Rose's dad and her were in a relationship. Those moments were priceless. Again, as much as I want to give this a ten, the really shitty CGI throws me off again; so this will be my first 9!

PS: If King Kong can look fine in the early 1930s as a practical effect, then why do these Reapers look disgusting over 75 years later as a computer generated effect. It is annoying, but still. I guess I am going to have to deal with the CGI for a while, until we get to a season that is set in the present day!

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