Shout by kinky

Evil Stamets is dead! Lorca is dead! They just won't stop with the twists! Every time I think that I know where they're going with this, a twist comes along and shakes things up. The unpredictability of this show is definitely one of its more attractive features. But now I feel a bit disappointed because it seems that we're back again at Klingons vs. Humans... I gotta say, for me, the best part of the show was spent in the Mirror Universe.
All the rush and adrenaline of this episode made it feel like a season finale, but we still got two episodes left. Let's see where they're taking this baby, now...

But what upsets me the most is that we will no longer be able to have Lorca saying the cute catchphrase "Make the Empire great again!".

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@misnomer I was surprised that they left the Mirror universe so soon, too. I would expect it to last at least for this season. But with Lorca dead there is little sense in staying there. I hope we will see the other Lorca because I really like Isaacs and I want to know what the good (?) Lorca is like.


OPReply by kinky

@finfan aw, man, me too, I wanted them to spend more time in the Mirror Universe, things we so much fun, there! Now I fear it's back to the boring "Klingons vs. Humans" affair... But I hope they'll add some more twists to it. I never actually thought about the "good" Lorca... Maybe there'll be a twist in that, as well! I'm definitely excited for the remaining episodes. In a couple of hours I should be able to watch this week's episode.
