Shout by FinFan

This was an action filled episode. Production wise this is great. If their is one point of criticism - hire a new fight choreographer. And what about Jason Isaac ? Will we now see the other Lorca ? Just when I thought I had a vague idea where this is going they throw everything out of the window. This I did not see coming. Whole episode was full of what-the-heck moments. Question still remains what is the main universe they are in because with that reveal at the end their is no way you can tie this into Trek Prime. And this is the main drive for me - how does this fit into Star Trek canon ? Could be worse. But I must add I also enjoy the writing more and more. At least they come up with bold ideas and judging from how the Mirror Universe part was layed out in preperation for this I have confidence the writers to have a bigger picture.

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@finfan I hope to see the other Lorca too, also because I really like Jason Isaac as an actor.
I am not a Star Trek expert, I saw the original series and Voyager. I enjoyed them both and I understand that some fans find this new series very different from the original, but I am liking it so far. The "I am better than you" behavior, typical from USA TV Series is almost gone from all characters and I am enjoying these episodes.

@andreas1138 There will always be those who will hate, it has been so with every new installment. I've been with Star Trek for decades and in general, althought having my favorites, love all shows/movies (the exception beeing Abrams Kelvin timeline). I had my doubts about Discovery and some are still there but I am putting them in the back and enyoing it for what it is.
