Shout by kinky

"Directed by Jonathan Frakes". Attaboy! You show 'em how it's done, Riker!

I actually like where this is heading, with all the Nazi-like humans. Sure, it's a cliché, an alternate universe where humans are a ruthless, merciless race, but it's still fun. Bonus: by having the story moved to an alternate universe, I can stop worrying that this doesn't feel like Star Trek, because it doesn't have to, now. That being said, I like where this sci-fi show is heading, it's definitely popcorn worthy.

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@misnomer >Bonus: by having the story moved to an alternate universe, I can stop worrying that this doesn't feel like Star Trek, because it doesn't have to, now<

well, yes and no. If they are in THE Mirror Universe there are already established facts in place althought since this is chronologically before Kirks Enterprise discovered this universe there is some leeway. But maybe there are in a totally different one entirely.


OPReply by kinky

@finfan but maybe they are in a totally different one entirely, indeed. Honestly, we don't know, yet. But I'm not that familiar with the Mirror Universe (is that related to the Kelvin timeline of the movies? So many universes and timeliness makes my brain hurt), hence my previous comment, I was unaware it was something already established in the Star Trek cannon. But I'll definitely cut them some slack from now on, as long as they're there.

@misnomer The first time was in TOS episode Mirror, Mirror. After that there were several episodes in DS9 and, if I remember correctly, one in ENT. You could easily find information if you google Mirror Universe Star Trek. The Kelvin timeline is something else entirely and I think the producers of Discovery said this show is not connected.


OPReply by kinky

@finfan ah, that explains my lack of knowledge regarding said Mirror Universe: I've watched TOS too long ago to remember it properly, I never liked DS9 so I never finished it and I still haven't watched Enterprise (I keep forgetting about that one!). Thank Heaven that Discovery isn't connected to the Kelvin timeline.
Cheers for enlightening me in the Trek ways, old friend :)

@misnomer you're welcome. And I agree 100 % on the Kelvin timeline.
