Review by FLY

Mr. Robot

Season 3

Season 2 was a little disapointing, but this one is great. Some great episodes, some a little boring, but the season is really more than the sum of its episodes. The way the story, and even more the characters, evolve is really well done. The high points of the season are found as much in some really short scenes as in episodes as a whole, like episode 5, with the camera following the characters the whole time.

Not as much hacking as in the previous ones. Specially low level everyday hacks. For the big story there's mainly 3 points. Phase 2, with Eliott working at day to prevent it and Mr Robot at night to implement it. Culminating in their struggle to take control.
Then trying to reverse 5/9 is presented as a big thing, progressing a little in every episode, but we see early that in the end nobody really cares about it, it's just accessory to the character's story. Then Whiterose's master plan, underneath everything, but we don't know much about it. So passing half the season, it does not seem anything progress in a meaningful way.

One of the great point is how the relationship between Eliott and Mr Robot changes during the season, and it's changing a lot. The way Eliott does not see him and does not talk to him anymore but we can see him interacting with other people at the beginning is a nice change. Also lots of people seem to acknowledge his existence. Then it keeps evolving through great scenes. Like the psy session when Mr Robot finally talks to Krista. Then the whole struggling for control, trying to prevent Eliott from saving the Ecorp building, rewinding what he's done for shorter and shorter periods, until he can only take control for seconds at a time, just to interfere with him. After that Mr Robot leaves messages to Eliott when he realizes he's not in control of the operation. then Eliott asks for his help, and negotiate with him, and we can see the both of the again. Until the end when they make peace and agree to work together which could prove really interesting this season. The dynamics is evolving in almost every episode.

The other characters that evolves a lot is Angela. She became so sure of herself and in control when she believes in her mission, working with Mr Robot, going head to head with Wellick or Irving and handling Elliott. Until she even take on herself to do the hack in Elliot's place, ends up being responsible for thousands of death and turns into a crazy mess. However I'm really not convinced by her last scene. She gets over it, and stops believing in Whiterose's plan just like that ? Because he says he's her father ? Meh, weak.

I just finished though I can't remember anything interesting Darlene did of the whole season, well, except sleeping with Dom. She could have been killed in the barn for a little drama, I wouldn't miss her.

Dom was great. She was already interesting when introduced in season 2, and was a real good character this season. She almost gets everything that happens, but is really unlucky and she's stopped by her boss. However she could become the main female character in next season. She will be involved in everything now, and will want revenge, against the Dark Army, but also against Darlene. She definitely became the most interesting character after Eliott for next season.

Irving is an amazing addition ! Loved all his scenes. From the first when he wants his free milkshake, to the last brutal axe killing of Santiago, he's just perfect. Like Mike from Breaking Bad, just as badass, just as weary of all this shit, but in a funnier, more talkative and philosophical way.

Wellick. Not a big fan. He's the one who planned the whole takedown of the 71 buildings, but apart from that, he doesn't bring anything to the story. His whole flashback episode was boring.

Price is interesting, as little as we see him. Hope to see him fight Whiterose in next season.

I hope the whole rewinding thing is a joke. On one hand it really wouldn't fit in the show, on the other, Angela was so convinced it was true and gave everything to it. And it's so crazy that it should take a lot to convince someone like that.

Best moments:
Almost anything with Irving
The psy session
Almost the whole episode 5
The fight for control between Eliott and Mr Robot inside Ecorp building
Dom in the Red wheelbarrow basement
Whiterose/Price face off
Angela going nuts
The whole barn scene at the end
The end of Santiago

Worst moments:
Almost anything with Tyrell
The framing of Mobley and Trenton was ridiculous
The whole episode 8 and its failed sentimental bullshit

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