Review by FLY
BlockedParent2018-01-07T00:21:05Z— updated 2018-01-08T01:18:10Z

Disapointing, specially when compared to the previous ones. Not much happens and you know how it will end in the first seconds. Two hackers characters we haven't seen in a long time ? Of course they're gonna put everything on them. But they could talk, so obviously they got to be dead. Hope it will lead to some great Dom action though, she knows something's wrong I think the whole thing is a little botched. Why would they kill themselves before knowing the FBI was coming ? And if they knew how long ago did they die ? Why not try to finish the attack ? And leave every evidence on display ? Was the attack really ready to go ? Also how targeting plane would fit in fsociety goals ? And why would they turn off the lights?

Also wtf with the car scene ? The guy's digging, you can't wait one minute for her to remove your restraints and prefer taking the risk of letting her drive ? And please, even if you don't know how to drive, anybody can turn a wheel, even on your first try. How hard would it be to go out of range before trashing the car ? That was totally ridiculous.

Still some great scenes. Angela's gone totally nuts.
Leon is a great side character, and yeah for the Knight Rider opening.
Loved Irving's comment, that's so true. And the small remark about the revolution could have a huge impact on Mr Robot.
Krista now knows that Eliot but I can't see that going into interesting developments, more into boring useless side story obstacles that lead nowhere.
The Whiterose/Price confrontation is just excellent.

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