It's impressive how they'd get away with something like this back in 2005, whereas now the social media would most likely crucify them for it.

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@misnomer After years of reading this kind of hot take, I'm forced to ask if anyone remembers what the internet was like in the 2000s and early 2010s, or if you knew how long the show had been on the air by 2017? Clearly, none of the outrageous things the gang got up to got the show cancelled then or now.

People really need to find a new talking point about Always Sunny. "They'd get crucified for this today" was stale in 2012.

@digital_phreaker Well, newsflash, buddy: this ain't the noughties, anymore. Also, I meant what I said in my previous comment in a good way, I wish people nowadays would be as open-minded, as they were back in the day, and wouldn't be super sensitive to absolutely EVERYTHING, like they are now. It's exhausting and hampers the creative process.
