Review by FLY

Life 2017

Why does everybody compares this to Alien ? This is not Alien, this is The thing. The concept of the creature is great even though I guess it would not be viable (wouldn't it consume a loooot of energy ?).
It's beautiful, a little original even though it follows the genre's standard. You see the final twist coming from a mile away.
But as often, I'm really annoyed by how stupid the characters are. They're not random people thrown into a high stress unexpected situation. They're astronauts, trained for this specific mission, aware they're dealing with an unknown life form that could be dangerous. But they still act like scared teenagers at Camp Crystal Lake.
You do not go in the room while it's attacking the first guy. Or when it was attached on her outside, why would they even try to take her back in with it ?? Why didn't she try to throw herself into space ? Though I wonder how it's capable to move outside in zero gravity. Why are they always on this idea that they'll deal with it later, when they already saw that it was dangerous and could kill since the beginning and have seen it evolving to be more dangerous very rapidly ?
But it's great if you can get pass that.

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