Where do I start? I am so excited to write this review. I probably should have brought something to write things down while watching the movie. There is so much happening in this and I want to discuss it all! I'm going to try to write this review spoiler free.

I felt like crying so many times during this film, not out of sadness but out of pure happiness. I wasn't planning on mentioning this to maintain a bit of "cool", but it is worth sharing to let you know how happy I felt about this new Star Wars movie.

The opening scene, it was brilliant. A great way to start a movie! You immediately get introduced to these immense ships, this beautiful environment, a few of the known and loved characters, it was action-filled and it was funny! The Last Jedi had me there and than and didn't let go till I had to pee (it's a very long movie), and when I returned it had me again till the very end. There is a progress in every character's storyline, it was fun to see them all grow in their own way. Especially Finn. I couldn't really place him in The Force Awakens, but in this movie, he really went out there to make a difference and to help his friends and allies. Rose Tico, she is a sweet and brave character. I enjoyed the part where she and Finn went to visit a planted I didn't know yet and she saved those beautiful creatures Yea, I really like her. Which brings me to a character I first didn't really like to be honest, and that is Vice Admiral Holdo. It felt like she wasn't doing anything, at all, and that frustrated me a bit. Now that I'm writing this, I think that Rian Johnson might have given her that kind of "mystery" with a reason. I mean, in the end, we all loved her, right? At least I did. Poe Dameron, I have loved this character in The Last Jedi and felt like he didn't have enough screen time. This movie makes up for it all, I think getting to know him a little better was one of my favourite things, character wise. And then, Luke Skywalker, what a champ. I really enjoyed hearing what he had been up to and what changed him into the man he was in this movie. Seeing him and Leia together was so good as well. I loved it. Rey has become quite a grown-up, serious character as well, hasn't she? She is such a strong female lead. The connection between her and Kylo Ren was so interesting to see. I didn't expect that to be there, and I think they are very alike. Their connection was very brief and very beautiful. I really look forward to what is going to happen next with those two. Kylo Ren always feels like the guy who just can't get it right, ever. A bit like General Hux, who thinks he's brilliant while he's actually not that brilliant, which makes him quite funny, which is also quite sad. Bringin me to the last character I want to discuss and that is the Supreme Leader. First, is it bad that I had no clue who he exactly is? If it is, and you want to explain it to me, feel free to do so because I like to know. Right now, I wasn't very impressed with him, to be honest.

There are a lot of beautiful new planets and fun new creatures. Especially on the island that Luke was staying at. The nuns who take care of the small village are so funny, and the Porgs. I mean, they are the cutest things. I hear that opinions about them are all over the place, but I cannot, not like them. I'm weak. The storyline was very well written and it really went somewhere, it had a purpose. Which makes this movie so much more interesting and indulging. Every single person who worked on this did one helluva job. It's brilliant.

I wish I could have discussed a bit more scenes but I can't do that without spoiling quite a bit. I tried to discuss the characters as spoiler free as possible, which I failed to do, but I feel like these spoilers aren't major. You can read them if you want. I want to end this review by saying I probably forgot to mention a lot of things, I miss Han, I'm a bit sad that almost the entire original cast is gone, I can't wait for the next one and I think this one is better than The Force Awakens aka GO WATCH IT

(James Corden, I saw you)

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