Review by Francisco
BlockedParent2017-12-14T15:40:47Z— updated 2019-03-03T19:01:24Z

I really enjoyed The Force Awakens the first time I watched it. After thinking about it and re-watching it I started liking it a little bit less and less but I still think it was a great start for a new trilogy and got really excited for episode 8. The Last Jedi may be the opposite of TFA. I left the cinema completely disappointed and not at all excited for the next one. The story is about the Skywalkers and they just destroyed their legacy in this movie. It's quite sad to be honest.

Don't get me wrong, the movie was a great IMAX experience, visuals were stunning, the cast is perfect and present us with great performances, but the story... In my opinion is poor writing. It was less of a Star Wars movie and more of a Disney movie carried by the idea that Luke Skywalker would be back...

I even liked Kylo Ren but can't say the same for Rey. Comedy is out of place and cringy at times, at least 40 minutes of the movie is filler footage for the sake of showing the bad side of capitalism (Disney mocking capitalism... whaaat?), stuff that happens that makes no sense, and all the potential that the franchise had after TFA went to waste.

The movie itself is very well shot and beautiful but it has so much bad stuff in it that is hard not to focus on it. I think it is a bad episode 8 and killed all my excitement for the next installment. I enjoyed some parts, but in the end it was a disappointment. Thinking about voting with my wallet and not paying to watch the next one.

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