Shout by deanzel

Beyond the Boundary 2013

KyoAni strikes again. They've created a beautiful and immersive fantasy world based upon the hunting of "dreamshades" that really pulls the viewer in and almost makes it seem like all these things are possible. This is a bit of a darker anime compared to what we are used to from KyoAni (thankfully with a lack of half-naked gay swimmers) but they still manage to instill their patented charm and humor into it all. The animation, art and music (love the soundtrack) are top notch as with all KyoAni productions. The fight scenes are epic. I honestly love all the main and supporting characters in particular the four main leads (along with Ai-chan) especially with their "megame" (glasses) and "siscon" (little sister) personas. Kyoukai no Kanata may start a bit slow but stick around till about episode 4 for things to really heat up. Now, I can't wait for each week's new episode and what's going to unfold next. Watch it.

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After finishing the series, I'd say that the show was pretty solid overall but definitely inconsistent. I give it a 7/10. The earlier episodes are definitely the weakest part of the show with a bit too many fillers. However, the last half of the series really picks up the story and finishes on a very strong note. The very final ending was definitely a bit rushed and left some big plot holes but I think that a lot of this can be resolved with a second season or substantive OVA (not just a fan service filler). Still, it's a fun ride and I'd definitely give it a watch if you are a fan of KyoAni at all.
