This is one of my favorite slice of life animes with cool twists with Haruhi essentially being a god and there being time traverlers, aliens and espers all in the mix. The first season is magnificent and while the Endless Eight is brutal to watch all the way through, the rest of season 2 is still great too. Just watch the first 2 and last 2 episodes of EE. Haruhi is probably one of the best female protagonists that I've seen with her energy, impulsivity and overall passion and Kyon is the perfect foil to her craziness. Each episode is entertaining and a joy to watch over and over again. And the movie, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, is just brilliant and makes up for the disappointment of EE. You'll need to watch the series (and make sure to watch it in chronological order, not the season order) to get the movie, but it's completely worth it.

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