Arrow awesomeness. The episode felt so S1-S2 like. I love this brutal dark Arrow. I'm gonna miss Slade so damn much. Flashbacks helped to fill the gaps and get a better understanding of Slade's motivations. Once again, Manu proved that he's the best Slade Wilson ever. This guy is a legend and deserves his own show.

The Slade-Joe stuff was fantastic. hñJoe is a godamn psychopath! I love him! He slit someone's throat when he was what, 12-13 years old? And how devastated Slade looked after that. I got a bit nostalgic with the flashbacks. Seeing Shado again was lovely, even if she was only as a Mirakuru-driven ghost. Slade's slowly descent into madness was so well done. It was great to know how he spent those years after Lian Yu. The bamboo sticks scene with Oliver will always be one of my favourites and seeing it again while he trained Joe was a great touch. I'm expecting William to get targeted by Joe any time soon.

"Oliver Queen is alive". Not gonna lie. Laughed harder than I care to admit. I missed that line so damn much, lol.

Seeing Oliver straight up murdering like 12 dudes just made me realize how much I need him to go back to the field. While in last episode Slade was particularly brutal, it was Ollie's time in this one and he delivered. He went full on John Wick. I need Slade and Oliver going on beast mode. Nonstop slaughter. Btw, I loved the shadow on Ollie's eye in the "eye for an eye" scene. Another bamboozle made in Slade. Classic.

On the bright side, Slade's plotting wasn't wrapped up so there's a chance we get to see him. Plus Grant! That got me so excited.

I was so so excited for Richard Dragon. He got little to do but I loved his presence. He sold it to me with that villainous voice. That and his mannerisms sold it for me. I love Kirk's performance. He reminded me of Chase in his chat with Dig.

I'm glad John finally told them and it was nice that everyone supported him. I really loved the ending shot of Dig's hand trembling over the GA suit.

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