Average episode rating: 7.1333… (Why do so many of my averages end up with repeating digits?)

Yeah. That's fair. This season didn't feel as hard-hitting as previous years, and the constant focus on Trump to the exclusion of nearly all other weekly news items didn't help that. The whole thing felt like Trump's Week Tonight, frankly.

We get it, John. You like bashing The Donald. Find some variety in your material again, will you? The broken record routine is played out.

The highlights of Last Week Tonight this year were the revisiting of Net Neutrality; Oliver's interview with the Dalai Lama; Lord Buckethead; and the Equifax focus episode. Oh, and we can't forget the Catheter Cowboy. Those episodes were more like the show I discovered back in 2014 and decided to follow because it was funny and informative with a touch of ridiculousness.

Here's hoping that when the show resumes in February 2018, it regains some of its old balance and branches back out to more topics that don't involve our current president. And when it does talk about Trump (it's still OK, just not every week, mind), it would be kind of nice if the political slant wasn't quite so heavy. A show that makes like it's a news program should at least pretend to be unbiased.

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