This episode felt so awkward. I enjoyed the previous two ones but this, I don't know why but it felt weird. I like that the writers introduced the moral dilema of war prisoners. And of course Jesus would be the moral compass. and we all know what happens to people being the moral compass on the show. But really? The Saviors are ruthless killers. They basically enslave people and threaten them to submission. Of course there're some of them who could arguably be saved but getting them to live in the Hilltop after what they did it's risky to say the least. The fight between Morgan and Jesus was kind of absurd. I just thought someone will come to knock Morgan off. However, it was a good was to show Morgan's inner fight. But leaving the Saviors escape without no one even trying to stop them. Like I said absurd. I get the feeling that Daryl is gonna gun down each of the Saviors right in front of Jesus. I like the extra savage Daryl this season.
I was kinda expecting an ending like this. Sometimes this show is way too predictable. "We will lost no one of our ranks", well, you just did. He totally jinxed it. I just hope Jerry is not among them. but I do like that this is going to change Ezekiel's mentality.
Gregory's ability to become a bigger dick episode after episode is astonishing. Now he steals pancakes? lol. the comic relief with Kal was great.
That Morales' scene. Well, so much for his appearance. He told us everything: no family, no life, no nothing I'm Negan, bye bye. 15 minutes on scene and he gets killed off. He just came back after 7 seasons to monologue Rick. I loved how Daryl gave no shit about killing him.
Seeing Aaron with the baby right after losing Eric was a great touch. Aaron is slowly becoming one of my favourite characters. His performance today was outstanding. His pain looked so authentic. We hook on his grief but honestly, Eric hasn't been given any character development so I didn't feel bad cause he died, but for Aaron.

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@vero-winchester Exactly how I felt. It's strange to see Rick/Jesus to act merciful after everything they've been through, despite the fact Saviours will kill them in any moment. Of course this episode just projects the morality issue, but we already know most of the Saviours are evil, enslaving, torturing piece of shits, the rest just cowards, like Gregory and Eugene, which makes them complicits and hard ones to get any trust back from. And Ezekiel... first we see they seem to be planning things carefully, but the ongoing chanting about "not one!" makes him just look stupid and careless and in the end scenes prove the fact right... it's never good to think you're invincible in that kind of situation. Overally liked it, but very mixed feelings about the episode. I hope the next one is better.

@vero-winchester whoa when Vero isn't satisfied with a TWD episode we know it's not good.
