Review by Vero

What an episode! Amazing, thrilling and entertaining from beginning to end. I loved the symmetry the episode represented: it started with slo-mo close-ups of everyone's faces and ended the same way. Gotta love the cinematography of the show. Morales, lmao. I could sense the collective "Holy shit!" when he appeared. Jaw-dropping moment. Has this show jumped the ship out of the shark? It caught me by surprise. But look at him, he seems like he lost everything and he's a Savior. Let's see how long until he dies, lol. I also loved how this episode was all about humanizing people and the contrast with Tara and Morgan. Rick's expression when he found that baby was like looking into the mirror and seeing what you've become. Outstanding. Jesus all of a sudden decides to take prisoners and spare their lives when they don't deserve it. And Morgan's plot armor? Wtf? "I don't die", yeah, cause you're defended by plot armor. So two guys by his side get murdered with loads of gunshots and he just has a scratch in his arm? Eric getting shot was seen miles away. And so, did Tobin die? It was way too quick but I'm pretty sure he did. That shot of Rick walking down the dark corridor spooked me. That was a great scene.
Ezekiel's "Fake it till you make it baby" killed me. I laughed my ass off. Best line this episode.
Quick question then, did I miss something or where the hell is that infinite ammo coming from? I remember when bullets were a short supply. And they didn't have a lot of guns and if I'm not mistaken they gave a lot of guns to the garbage people. The Montage with Morgan shooting the Saviours point blank was epic! He should've killed that stupid price Jared.
In all honesty, the deepest part of the episode was Rick realizing he killed the baby's father. That really hit me. It was gut wrenching to see him leave the baby there.
When Daryl saw those cuffs I wondered if he thought of Merle or his time in the cell. Or both

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@vero-winchester Being a fangirl is really bliss eh?

@xaliber being a hater is a hard job right?

@felixgotrek I don't know, I'm not a hater. I love Woodbury.
