Shout by Nas

Best episode so far, I still have to watch the rest LOL

but honestly this episode was very enjoyable, and the Dart thing is cute I agree with Dustin LOL

Side note, the CGI of dart is sooo bad LOL, and it make sense since the effects of the upside down world are sooo good so they're using their budget on the important part

Also Nancy still boring and I'm not sure where they gonna go with her character but she's making a huge mistake since there's some people spying on her and the rest of the kids I'm sure

I didn't really like the new girl and forcing her into the group is annoying, if there will be a girl in that group, it would be El and only her

Also we finally got to see El outside that shack and she was cute search for Mike but she became kinda evil since she pushed that girl with Mike out of jealously so idk what the writers are planning on

And that pumpkin situation is alarming especially when the source is the same place that Will go to, I don't trust that scientist

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@nasserfeed, I like Max a LOT better than Eleven.
