Shout by Neal Mahoney

The Walking Dead: Season 8

8x01 Mercy

Those windows won't hurt anybody now. Seriously wtf were they shooting at?

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@nmahoney416 It was to create a distraction and to keep them inside while they brung the walkers over

@sonnythebear seems like a HUGE waste of ammo. I mean if they would of just blown the RV the walkers would of came eventually and the fence would still of been down.

@sonnythebear what the heck is the point of creating distraction when you can put a sniper to shoot at Negan? Especially with how fairly easy they broke into the Sanctuary.

@nmahoney416 Yea and if you think about it... where did they get all that ammo from like srsly they couldn't get that much ammo and guns.

@xaliber Good point and its always the priest that ruins it like rick could of got him killed but no... he stops him.

@nmahoney416 I think the point was to make noise. So that the herd is driven there more effectively.

@nmahoney416 They're wasting ammunition.

@nmahoney416 They were trying to bring Negan out of the warehouse so he would have nowhere to hide when the walkers arrive, otherwise they would have had to find a way to bring the walkers to the inside of the warehouse which would have been basically impossible. They were also stalling until the walkers arrive.
