Delightfully goofy and with a fun adventurous streak. Riffing on the story of the 1947 Roswell aliens is pretty well-trodden ground for a lot of science fiction TV shows, but this manages to stand out thanks to how well it's all integrated into the Star Trek mythos. It's also a tour de force for the actors involved, the chemistry between Quark, Rom and Nog is excellent and they feel like a family unit.

The surprise appearance of Odo is really well done, and the supporting cast of 1940s hew-mons are all great. I like that we're given a bit of info about the universal translator. The actual mechanics of the time travel are sort of nonsense that is skirted over, but it's all quite unimportant. Easily the best Ferengi episode so far.

Quark's shows that he will stoop to any depth to earn profit, as well as being surprisingly clever about it. It's also nice to have it finally confirmed for us that Rom is something of a genius (he just lacks confidence).

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