7.5/10, rounded up… Any rating rounded off practically compels one to write a comment, @justin. (I added the mention in my previous shout in an edit, so it might not have generated a notification. I promise I'll stop asking for percentage ratings now!)

Is that a bowl of starfruit on Neelix's counter? Hooray for exotic Earth plants being pushed as alien foodstuffs.

Carey is absolutely Voyager's Miles O'Brien. The similarities are striking in this episode, from how he talks to his hair.

Did anyone else notice that Seska says "We have to do something!" right after Torres says "Aye, Captain" over the comm and the bridge doesn't hear her? But later Torres hits her commbadge to close the channel before they start talking about the matrix again? Sometimes these things just…slip through.

OK, enough nitpicking.

More philosophy! And this time, it has substance! No more wishy-washy flip-flopping on the subject of whether there might be an afterlife. Nay, this week it's character-building and Starfleet people getting a little taste of their own medicine regarding sharing technology.

Like so many of the one-shot alien races, the Sikarians have essentially no depth. They still manage to be a little creepy, as @LeftHandedGuitarist remarked. (They're not that creepy, though. Frankly, I think the Sikarians represent what would happen if you took "Minnesota Nice" and turned it up to 11.) That said, the most interesting thing about them is Gath's accent—which is probably because a Belgian actor played him.

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