Review by nutmac
BlockedParent2017-10-02T14:43:06Z— updated 2017-10-03T17:41:57Z

To the best of my recollection, no show has dealt with a major character death as well as this episode of Halt and Catch Fire.

Of the 5 principle characters (Joe, Gordon, Cameron, Donna, and Boss), it's safe to say that no character is as beloved as Gordon. He is hard working, genuine, and deeply care about people around him. He raises the bar for others to emulate. In my opinion, he's more responsible for bringing positive transformations for other 4 characters than anyone else.

All untimely death of a beloved character is filled with regrets. Haley is no doubt the most impacted. In the next remaining episodes, we will see how others will pickup the pieces, work toward healing each other, and bring "re-launch" into fruition in honor of Gordon.

Halt and Catch Fire is always beautifully shot, and unexpected lens flare in the middle of the episode was particularly effective (and I speak as someone who is sick and tired of lens flare tricks). It really stood out as something oddly unusual, foreshadowing Gordon's flashback later on.

The clash between Donna and Joe was my second favorite scene in the episode. In this final season, Joe has been the surprise understanding voice, always patient, always listening, and caring. He lost some of his composure with Donna, but the clash brought honesty and start the process of bringing Donna back into the circle.

And finally, Bos. His relationship with Cameron has always been very special. They fill much needed void they longed for. In a way, all five principle characters in Halt and Catch Fire are after filling a void. Donna falsely let her her ambitions take over, in a pursuit of filling her void. To Gordon, it has always been about family and friends. And Joe has realized the same by working with Gordon and Haley, bringing immense peace.

Silicon Valley is and has been that second wave California Gold Rush. At one point or another, all five principle characters got that piece of gold. But their dream is something else.

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