Review by Gaby
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-09-25T08:29:02Z— updated 2018-10-27T20:45:12Z

One of the best episodes of season 1. All season we've seen hints into Fisk's backstory, painting an awkward kid who grows up into an awkward adult with violent issues. We finally get the full story as to the source of his vision for the city, the source of his rage and his shyness.

The episode is a great example of finding sympathy for a villain. Fisk backstory shows a shy and scared boy who sees his father continually verbal abuse his mother and himself. He sees a man who tries to be great than what he is in an attempt to gain power and money. In the end the only way to end his father's cruelty is to kill him, while his mother covers up the crime. Fisk is has deep psychological issues coming from abuse, ptsd and a twisted sense of morality.

As Fisk's history comes to the light, so does Wilson Fisk. He wil no longer work in the shadows, but rather pitting himself in the public eye as a man looking to better the city, and rid it of crime, corruption and poverty.

While Fisk moves into the light, Matt must go further into the shadows in order to expose Fisk's underbelly.

Visual: great sequences of Fisk doing everyday task, like making breakfast, moments of calm juxtaposed to the inner turmoil he lives in and which still haunts him.

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