Review by Frikilax

Life 2017

Well !
I saw Alien Covenant some time ago, so I will compare it quite a lot with this film, sorry.
This movie... In my opinion, is better made than Alien :
- The decisions of the crew, despite being wrong at some times, are still understandable given the circumstances. I know there isn't THAT MUCH of a difference between Life and Alien Covenant, but I think what's important is how you feel about the overall credibility of their actions
- The behaviour of the creature is slightly different : while Aliens are killing machines, Calvin is "only" trying to survive (while retaliating when attacked, of course). Some clues are given throughout the film to support this idea.
- The setting is realistic, with the ISS, existing technologies, good physics...

For the realisation in itself, it is quite well done : the shots are great, the music and atmosphere works well (if not outstanding) and the acting is convincing !
I'm feeling a bit dumb though, because I didn't really guess the very end... I thought about it, but seeing as it went without them being abnormally stressed out (well David had still a hard time), I thought they had preferred a happy ending...
Still... this gave me a good laugh when I realised they really switched trajectories, this was the icing on the cake !!

Anyway !
Overall i spent a great time, and this made me forget I was ill for some time !

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