Review by j_pereira8

American Vandal 2017


Review by j_pereira8
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-09-22T01:38:45Z— updated 2017-09-23T02:20:51Z


American Vandal perfectly compliments how much people crave for enticing dramas on TV. In this satirical documentary, it is interesting how the crime and evidence surrounding the story are formulated without the information becoming too overwhelming or irrelevant. It is also filled with wonderful inappropriate jokes as comedic relief. Keep an eye out for the critiques that the show attempts to highlight through the structure of North American education and the complicated lives students live. The use of social media proves that nothing ever goes away and the choices we make when we’re younger could have a heavy impact on our future. People’s intentions are not always clear but sometimes we forget to remain unbiased in determining who the real culprit is in these investigations.

[SPOILER] Dylan's actions in those final few moments at the end of the season reveal he’s guilty of a future crime but it doesn’t “actually” reveal who drew the dicks on those cars. The theories that are presented make it plausible who could’ve done it but the lack of physical evidence makes it hard to prove. In the event we see a second season, it’ll be interesting to see what the main focus will be from this point on.

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