Review by Gaby
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-09-18T23:58:44Z— updated 2018-10-27T20:46:27Z

Episode centers on showing the ties between Fisk/Murdock and the criminal world.

The episodes biggest take away is showing the opposing images of Fisk with his lover interest vs him in his business dealing. With Vanessa his is all kindness, chivalry and care. Winning her affection and interest, rather than lavishing her with money and overdone guestures. He shows her how much care he has for her. In stark contrast, in his business dealings he is unforgiving, relentless and utterly violent. He is unforgiving of error, and least of all of going against his orders. The final scene is Fisk brutally killing a Russian for having interrupted his dinner with Vanessa, and tainting with darkness what he has found in the light.

On the flip side, the darkness has come after Nurse Claire. She is kidnapped when she is identified as the connection to the masked man in black, tortured to get at who this nuisance is. Murdok finally finds her, bloodied and bruised. He quickly dispatches the thugs, but not before Claire has been touched by the darkness he wishes to destroy. Will this be the straw that forces Claire to rethink her involvement (both righteous and romantic) with Matt? Can she handle the darkness like Matt can?

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