Review by ottoRoboto

Spider-Man: Homecoming 2017


Review by ottoRoboto
BlockedParent2017-08-17T20:27:14Z— updated 2017-09-13T16:26:14Z

Let me start off by saying that Spider-man is my favorite comic book character and so everything I say is completely influenced by that fact. I won’t even try to hide it! I’ve kept this as spoiler-free as possible.

With that being said, it’s fairly obvious that Spider-man: Homecoming is by far my favorite Spider-man movie to date. Partially due to the fact that Marvel had it’s go at the web-head this time around, so the movie is, quite literally, a homecoming for the character. The initial attempts by Sony, although not terrible, were always lacking a sense of trueness to the source material thus it was refreshing to finally see a Spider-man that hit a little closer to the mark. Granted, not everything was ripped straight out of the comic books, however the film enlightened us with what everyone has known Spider-man, and his alter ego, Peter Parker, (Is it the other way around? Not to me) to be.

As I watched the film for the first time, I felt like a child; partly because I am mentally 12, but also because I was finally seeing the Spider-man I’d always wanted to see! To say Tom Holland did a fantastic job would be an understatement; he nailed his rendition of Peter Parker, and Spider-man; a feat that Andrew Garfield (Amazing Spider-man 2012), and Tobey Maguire (Spider-man 2002) weren’t able to execute. Additionally, the rest of the cast was fantastic; Zendaya (Michelle), Laura Harrier (Liz Allen), Jacob Batalon (Ned), did a wonderful job in their respective roles; providing the diversity required to portray a high school in Queens, NY, as well as contributing a fair amount of comedy that is always welcomed in a Marvel film. (For me, at least) They take some warming up to, I didn’t immediately enjoy them so just give them a chance. As for our villain, Michael Keaton (Beetlejuice 1988) as Vulture was menacing, yet his actions were understandable. Keaton was able to make a character I’d never really taken seriously and make him into someone I wouldn’t want to mess with. I’m looking forward to Marvel/Sony bringing these different villains to life. (Half-way hoping Quentin Beck AKA Mysterio makes it into the MCU because that would be amazing.) Lastly, I’d like to express my disapproval of Marisa Tomei as Aunt May, but it’s Marisa Tomei, so I can't really disapprove, thus I have no quarrels with the decision. (That’s all I have to say about that.)

The film flows through the story nicely, and does a great job at delivering a moment that left most people in the theater with their jaws dropped for a few second. It was an instance that made me particularly excited to be seated at the theater watching on opening night. Was the film predictable? Of course! It is a Marvel film after all (Although, I’m having trouble really seeing it as a part of the same universe as the rest of the films, but I’m hoping it’ll seem a little more natural come Infinity Wars.) and as much as I’ve loved every movie that’s been dished out since the dawn of the MCU, the formula is seldom changed. Despite that, it’s still one of the funnest Marvel films I’ve watched; second only to Guardians of the Galaxy, and just above Ant-man. The visual effects start off rough, however, I’m not one to really criticize that aspect of films unless it’s absolutely atrocious; they were fine, and not completely noticeable throughout the rest of the movie. I will point out that this film seems to have been color graded a tad better than most preceding films, save for Guardians of the Galaxy. (It’s such a beautiful movie.)

Overall, I loved the film and I intend to watch about 5 times over. I am highly anticipating what awaits our “Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man” in the upcoming films. How did you feel about it? Are there things you wished would have happened?

Side note: How cool would it be if Sony and Marvel were secretly planning a “Spider-verse” movie. They’ve already set up two different universes with their respective Spider-men, and have just introduced a third, with a potential Mile Morales character being introduced at some point. Having Andrew Garfield, and Tobey Maguire reprise their roles briefly to face off against Morlun alongside Holland and any others would be an awesome cinematic experience. Will it happen? Probably not. How do I know? Because that would make me happy, thus it can’t happen. Still, one can dream.

  • Ivan
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