Shout by Valentin Nazarov

Life 2017

A poor hybrid of Alien and Gravity.

There is no "sci" in this "sci-fi". Instead of ISS, a place with very little space, but equipped with everything people will need up there to live and run scientific experiments autonomously for months, you see some kind of good-sized mansion with 30 seconds worth fuel tankage (at this point I've facepalmed). Instead of astronauts – people who are trained to handle extreme physical and psychological stress and act proper in case of emergency – there is a bunch of hysterical incompetent fools on the orbit, acting stupid and dangerous, not aware about details of their mission, and apparently capable to breath in places without air..

I'll give it 5/10 only because:
1) the visualisation of extraterrestrial life form was very nice, need to give credit to people who were working on it
2) at the end they don't make it and looks like everybody dies

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