Shout by FinFan

Logan 2017

This was one of my most anticipated movies this year. It was all I had hoped for. This is, as mentioned by others, not your typical superhero blockbuster action movie. It is not an x-men movie as such. Its title is simply "Logan". You have a story here and then you get this bursts of short intense action sequences.
It´s a great swan song for the characters of Logan and Charles.

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@finfan Impressive movie, you end up like Logan if you can't find a purpose in life, and it's more difficult if you live multiple lives and loose a lot of people, like Wolverine.
Another user (@43543875) imagined an ending where Logan is healed again and he becomes, at least for a short while, a professor, a new leader of these young mutants. The movie is a great goodbye to Wolverine, but it's not a bad idea at all.
I am trying to understand how Xavier felt Laura, since she is not a "real" mutant, but an artificial one... maybe he can sense them too, he can sense all human beings. But I don't read too much into movies.
Good acting of Stephen Merchant, I only knew him as a comedy actor.

@andreas1138 It's been a while since I saw it and therefore I don't remember many details. Maybe there isn't a big difference between real and artifical. But like you said, it's a movie and you have to take certain things at face value.
The idea with that ending sounds great but would have been ultimately dependend on Jackman wanting to continue the character and I am sure that is something he didn't wanted to do.
I knew Merchant from a lot of stuff he did with Ricky Gervais and it is really quite different what he did here. But like you said, he did great and was absolutely convincing.
