[6.3/10] Eh, this was probably about fifteen minutes of plot stretched to half an hour, but it gets by on the novelty of the incredible shrinking crew. There’s definitely some stalling for time and padding, like when the crew has to get the micro-whatever to repair Sulu’s broken leg, or Kirk saving Nurse Chapel when she falls in the fish tank. But for the most part it works decently well as an entertaining enough caper about what would happen if the enterprise crew all suddenly became tiny.

The science sounds pretty bunk-like, but it’s unfair to expect perfect accuracy from a fantastical show that came out 40 years ago. The erstwhile lilliputians themselves were a decent twist, with the whole shrink-ray thing being an outgrowth of the fact that their planet was dying and they needed some way to signal the Enterprise, but the fact that they only had their defense system to use seems kind of odd.

Still, seeing the crew get smaller and smaller is the sort of thing that would be much harder to pull off in live action, so it’s nice to see the show having some fun with the medium, even though the science makes little sense and there’s definitely some extra padding thrown in to fill out the run time.

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