A good start for the season but as usual the hype train is overlooking the downfalls of the episode.

The intro to Samwell's section was a poor attempt at being innovative with direction and didn't suit the style of GoT at all.

The Ed Sheeran cameo with cheesey dialogue and full face shot just shows that the producers care more about headlines and celeb fans getting cameos than actually organic scenes.
The acting and dialogue by all in that scene was pretty awful. Which is a shame as the purpose of the scene is for Arya to realise that the Lannister soldiers are just normal men with lives and families. Hard to get into with such poor presentation though.

Game of thrones is a cash cow and will always make money. They can do no wrong and they know that. This is resulting in lazy writing and direction at times. So long as they wow you every so often with a cool line or death then that's all the general audience will latch onto.

I hope I'm proven wrong as the season continues but I'm pretty sure we'll get more of the same and a few 'shock and awe' events for those coveted headlines and viral hashtags.

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