Review by Jim222001

Spider-Man: Homecoming 2017

Spider-Man: Homecoming is fun and funny. I like that it's a little like the Ultimate Spider-Man show where Peter wants to be an Avenger. While Tony makes him some costumes. The Spectacular Spider-Man like aspect is Peter's crush on Liz (Laura Harriet).
While Michael Keaton actually gave me chills at times as Adrian Toome/Vulture. Keaton managed to give us one of the better on screen Marvel villains. Probably also the best on screen Spider-Man villain since Green Goblin and Doc Oct as well.
Some casting is still questionable though. Tony Ravolori has funny moments as Flash but he made me want to see a real bully to show up and kick his ass. Like a Flash Thompson from the other movies lol. This Flash couldn't bully someone in a Disney Channel show.
I do get that this the 3rd Spider-Man film series though. So to try to come off fresher characters like Flash were now rewritten. I just hope they at least leave Jonah Jameson how he was written. Whenever he reappears finally.
Some changes to come off fresher is Peter having a best friend, Ned (Jacob Batalon). Ned is like Peter's Nick Frost. Yeah that makes Peter, Simon Pegg. They have some good chemistry and are quite funny together. Let's face it. Harry Osbourne is a bit played out at this point. So Ned is a refreshing best friend for Peter.
I enjoyed the movie but when people ask me how it was, I will probably just say "it was funny!" So that alone unfortunately doesn't make it the best Spider-Man movie I have ever seen. Since a lot of laughs are the most memorable thing about it.
Well despite fine work by Tom Holland, Michael Keaton and of course Robert Downey Jr.. Chris Evans also deserves some credit for those hilarious pep talk videos for High School kids. I still am not 100% sure Homecoming is the best Spider-Man film. It was very entertaining though.

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