Review by Andrew Bloom

Veep: Season 5

5x05 Thanksgiving

[7.6/10] Lots of interesting odds and ends in this one. I think my favorite bit was Dan working for Tom James, and the idea that while Tom is a smoother package, he’s just as manipulative and apparently venal as Selina is. The way he subtly turns Dan into his bagman is great (Dan and Gary’s “two ships passing in the night” moment is wonderful) and the way he nicely but firmly threatens Dan with tarnishing him as a crazy man if he spills anything about Tom’s affiliation with the lobbying firm is slimily effective too. In the same vein, I got a kick out of seeing Dan visit Amy’s family for Thanksgiving, both for Amy’s clear annoyance at his presence, but also for seeing Jim O’Heir get profane and angry!

The main story about Selina getting eye-lid surgery and so not being able to face the public to deal with salmonella outbreak was generally good. It led to some great Ben and Kent moments which are always a highlight. And the way she blew off both her daughter and Gary is another brick in the wall on that front. The button for all of that – her taking a “secret” trip to a navy ship where she can wear sunglasses the whole time was a clever choice.

And hey! Jonah running for Congress has a lot of comedic promise, particularly as his uncle’s patsy. The way Jonah, naturally, puffed himself up only to get taken down a notch by his kingmaker uncle was very funny. And man, Richard continues to be a hoot.
Otherwise, good stuff at the margins in this one. The reveal that Sue is married is interesting (is it to Kent? We’d know that right? Her “no one from work” seems to rule that out.) Mike and Wendy having celebratory nookie in the turkey’s hotel room is an appropriately dopey bit of Mike-ness. And Doyle angling for Secretary of State and the exchange that leads Selina to go “ahhhh, domestic abuse humor, my favorite” was solid work as well.

Overall, another solidly funny episode with lots going on.

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