Review by Andrew Bloom

Veep: Season 5

5x01 Morning After

[7.7/10] A nice start to the new season! The idea of Selina trying to go seem presidential and get the one up on Senator O'Brien with the looming possibility of a Nevada recount, while dealing with a "stress pimple" is the kind of D.C. craziness coupled with mundane problems that makes for a good contrast. And Gary's obsessing over the pimple, to the point that he's competing with Selina's doctor, was a fun bit too.

There's also a surprising amount of effective machinations from Selina. She's normally not especially competent at the political maneuvering. But here, she not only strongarms Tom James (who seems more and more like a snake with the potential that he himself could become president) into being her Economy Czar by lying to the press, but she gets Amy to be her envoy to Nevada despite Amy's resistance by seeming to pick a younger, more heralded young woman for the job instead to get Amy to guard her territory. It's not Selina's usual forte, but it was interesting to see here.

There was other fun stuff in the episode as well. Seeing everything get blamed on poor Bill Erickson was sad and blackly funny at the same time. The all-white panel on race was a proper farce, and that getting blamed on him too was a nice escalation. Mike trying to get enough steps for his fitbit is the kind of everyman nonsense he does well. And oh man, flipping the Richard-Jonah power dynamic seems like a great way to refresh that already stellar pairing.

Definitely a promising beginning for Season 5!

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