Review by dgw

I don't even know how I ended up watching this, because it showed up as The Flyboys (2008) until I realized halfway through that the plot so far didn't match up at all and I must have been watching a different movie. In fact, I was. Some filename confusion happened along the way somewhere…

Anyway, this isn't anything to write home about. The average rating already tells you that much, but since there are no other reviews here on Trakt I feel it's my duty to post one, since I've watched the movie anyway. (By the time I realized it wasn't The Flyboys, I'd seen almost half of it and didn't feel like switching films. I spent about 8 minutes more than Trakt thinks, too; the version I had was 1h50m, vs. the 1h42m displayed by Trakt, but I broke from my movie-watching traditions and skipped 4 minutes of end credits.)

Owen Wilson is amusing enough as Drillbit, whose character arc runs in a predictable, boring straight line. I enjoyed Alex Frost's work, too. Filkins might have been the most believable character in the film. Everyone else was super flat (and monogram, too… just kidding), boring, straight archetypal stuff. Actually, everyone was flat; it's just that someone remembered to paint some textures on Drillbit and Filkins.

Honestly I don't even know what else can be said. It's a mediocre comedy, a terrible love story, and a not quite passable coming-of-age tale. Meh/10. (I won't even bother fixing the filename; I'll just delete it.)

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