Review by moonkodi

Alien³ 1992


Review by moonkodi

Takes a bit to get going like the first one did. But where as the first one is natural filler that tells us about the characters and has us invested, this is more of the usual uninteresting hollywood filler; not as relatable or involving. Characters simply become baldie 1, 2, 3 etc. You can see they went for a blockbuster yet it's flawed even for that. The plot is structured around events that hardly have an impact on the viewer and are soon forgotten. It may have been saved a little bit if the horror was filmed better. Compared to the first two movies where the camerawork and atmosphere are a big role throughout here we have it in some rare spurts. The finale mostly consists of running and closing doors with an Alien POV that gets tiresome.

It's still is watchable for a viewing if you're a fan of the first two. There are some of the best clear images of the Alien and some of the worst due to the computer effects. A lack of imagination and a poor script hold it back. Maybe it's a case of too many cooks spoil the broth. Lacks logic and passion.

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