Shout by CinemanicBonkers

Life 2017

Good night moon.. good night moon.. This film is pretty much similar to the first Alien, a Alien on board, out to kill the crew, but doesn't live to the alien film standards, but as It's own film, I liked it, some good effects, plenty of action, some tense moments, plugged from the start to the ending, and not a bad plot, but nothing different to anything I've seen before, and I couldn't complain with the cast, some good performances, and the ending will shock you.. Good science fiction horror.

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@foreverbonkers wasn't like alien at all. The science was far superior to any of the alien movies. The creature was far superior to any of the aliens. The crew was even smarter than the alien movies crews. Your really selling this movie short by saying that.

@blakblu You're someone that loves this movie, I thought it was good, but not a 9 for me, and selling the movie short to alien would be right for me, because I like alien better, and It's similar in ways of alien like an alien on a ship in space attacking a crew, and killing them off one by one, also both smart but I agree this alien in life is smarter, and I'm not saying It's bang on.. just as some similarity.. just my opinion..

@foreverbonkers Their are thousands of "aliens on a ship" movies. Infini, Event Horizon, Pandorum, etc. And would it not be just like Gravity because they were orbiting earth or like Arrival because of a first contact situation? Its quite a generalization to say it was "like alien". This movie had science, alien just had fiction. Thats the difference, and that is a huge difference. Great fiction makes a movie cool, great science makes it awsome.

@blakblu of course, I could name loads of films other than them films, I just came up with alien that's all if it's better for you then i change it to like lots of other films.. today i saw an article, and it said films like life, and alien was number one on the list so i'm not the only one with that opinion, so you're telling me this life is for real? all science films at fiction, half of the stuff wouldn't work out in reality, just a film after all.. always going have a mistake in a film.. It's more about how the film runs, the effects, the cast, the plot.. and I thought alien was so much better, but i give credit to life being a good film. plus i prefer old sci films over new because of the over the top cgi, but life wasn't bad with it... each for they own... we like different.. you can't please everyone.. we see different..

@foreverbonkers Life was made to be real, as if this thing could actually exist. They used actual technology, like the ISS, and its real functionalities. This isn't a complete make believe story as Alien, with a creature that is impossible to exist. The science was amazing. And he only killed when threatened, not ruthlessly predatory.

Its impossible to be 100% correct in a sci-fi, Hell, its impossible to be 100% in a chick flick, or a "Based on a true story..." movie. How about that Tom Hanks movie, where he was a captian of a hijacked boat. That thing had so many holes in it, the boat should have sunk, lol. Great chatting with you, foreverbonkers

@blakblu Enjoyed your debate. Personally, I feel Alien is the superior movie in terms of tension. Life was okayish... unsure how it will stand up next to the Alien: Covenant.
