[4.8/10] I’m not averse to edgy humor. I enjoy South Park and any number of ribald, envelope-pushing Adult Swim shows. But this was pretty base without having much clever or unique about it. I’ll admit, I chuckled a bit at Mac feeling jealous that he’d been passed over for other kids for the sheer ridiculousness of the premise, and it’s a treat to see Mr. Belding and Jimmi Simpson, but this was a fairly limp episode of IASIP otherwise.

Dennis and Dee arguing over their minor psych education was mildly amusing, and there were some creative sequences (mostly the various cuts in Charlie’s intervention and the ensuing scene where he was threatened in the car by the twins), but overall this felt undercooked. It’s a really short episode (running just over 19 minutes), and it feels threadbare despite only being a couple of minutes shorter than usual.

The joke seemed to be that molestation was funny, and fake molestation was even funnier. I’m no square, and I can handle a joke past the edge of polite society, but this was en episode that relied on that premise almost entirely, and it prevented the show from wringing any humor out of that premise beyond shock value. An unfortunate way to end the season.

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