[6.7/10] I wasn’t super into this one. I did like the obvious fake out, then twist, than re-twist of the identity of the robber, but felt like there was some wheel-spinning going on. My favorite parts were the cold open (something about the gang dealing with some real life event and then ending with a smash cut immediately preceded by a misguided solution to the problem really worked for me as an editing/rhythm gag.) I also laughed hard at the bit with Charlie yelling back and forth with his landlord. Something about the absurdity of the screaming followed by calm if tense conversation was amusing.

But the rest of it was hit or miss. Despite the amusing qualities of Charlie’s landlord run-in, the whole using the gun to intimidate him thing didn’t really work for me. It was sitcom level stuff mixed with extreme IASIP stuff, which sometimes work but didn’t quite scan here. The same goes for Mac and Dennis playing Hardy Boys to try to figure out who robbed the bar. There were some fun moments, but overall it didn’t click. Last but not least, Dee and her douchey boyfriend were a decent enough but not especially compelling element, even if it played into the “gun fever” bit.

Overall, a fairly underwhelming episode, but there wasn’t anything outright bad, and details like the bizarre practice of people putting their pistols down the crotch of their pants or Charlie’s money troubles coming back in the second half give it a little juice.

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