Shout by Nathann

Logan 2017

Could not have asked for more. It's the perfect Logan movie, it has closure for all the pain he've been through across all those years since X-Men 1. We see a sick, shaky Logan, still a fighter, still a loner, still caring for everyone even thought he does not let it out very often. Also great that we don't see nothing of Jean. I loved every scene of it, the brutality, the violence that always come with wolverine stories now in its full glory(or not). The fights between him and his "young self" were awesome and so simbolic. Patrick Stewart was also brilliant, and I totally agree with him now. It's over for both of them, this just ties it nicely. Felt so bad that Xavier ended up being the doom of all X-Men, I was hoping something more heroic, not a tragedy to explain why everybody was gone. And excited to see a "X-23" movie. Overall, amazing movie, couldn't have asked for more!

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